Gentle geeks,
I mean Gentle readers,
I was wondering if you could help Mama out with a conundrum.
Do you have a minute? You do? Thanks, you're the best.
Here's the skinny: I just realized today that I am not taking advantage of a fairly significant benefit offered by my Meatspace Workplace. Namely, once every three years the Workplace will loan its employees a rather significant sum of money at 0% interest rate for the express purpose of purchasing a new computer.
Don't get me wrong-- I love Clarabelle, my four year old Gateway laptop. But she has seen four years of very heavy use from a user who, let's face it folks, isn't particularly well-versed in computer maintenance and upkeep. She has her issues.
But I'll be honest; I kind of just want a new computer. And knowing that my Workplace will make it easy for me (the loan will be deducted from 24 paychecks), this "want" has become a "desperate yearning."
So help a sister out, geeks. I mean, "readers." I want a shiny new pretty, but I don't really know where to begin.
The ease of this loan program makes me think that I might want to rejoin the Apple cult. My first two computers back in the 90's were Macs, but I've had a fairly large number of PC's (desktop and laptop) since then.
But this begs the question:
Do I want to be a Mac owner only because I want to be one of the "cool kids" or is it really the best choice for me? Here's what you need to know about my computing life: I spend w-a-a-a-y-y-y-y too much time on the internet. But so it goes. I am not a gamer. I do nothing with design or graphic work (though I would like to at some point). I do watch a lot of my tv and movies on the interwebs through Netflix and Hulu and the like. I have a lot of pictures and music stored on my computer, but it doesn't have to be that way-- pure laziness dictates that. As it is my intention to get back to "real writing" sometime in the very near future, the second most important function of my future laptop (next to being an interwebs machine) will be word processing. I am organizationally challenged, so something with an intuitive filing system is super important.
Other things to consider: If it will be a gigantic pain in the tuchas to make the move from PC to Mac-- and I mean shuffling more than fifteen years of writing from one platform to another-- it ain't worth it to me. Also, the #1 benefit I see to getting a new computer (besides: "pretty, pretty, new!!") is finding one that is lighter than Clarabelle. She's kind of a bear.
I'm not saying money is NO object, but the 24 payments taken straight out of my paycheck lighten the burden significantly, so I'm able to shop beyond my usual means. That's why I could afford to make the move to the more expensive Mac-- as opposed to Clarabelle who was cheapo-- at this time.
Your thoughts? Advice? Please? Do I want to make the move to a Mac laptop? Which one? What's the Mac alternative that would best suit my needs?
Duke it out in the comments or email me at lou [at] I'll be super grateful and may even name my next computer after you...
I thank you for your support. May the Fourth be with you.