Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mama Needs a Date II: ELLA at ATL

I signed up for Google Analytics a little while ago, so now I can track how many hits gets every day. It's weird and makes me feel very self-conscious and very narcissistic to check it, so I don't very often. And for something I put SO much time into, the numbers are kind of meh.

But, I find it HI-LARIOUS that since I started using Analytics, my post with the MOST number of hits was "Mama Needs a Date" posted on Dec 8, 2009. And the funny thing-- or not so funny thing-- is that Mama didn't get a date. Mama had to ask a friend. (We had a great time, so no big deal, of course, but still... um... yeah.)

So this time I thought I would ask in advance. Actors Theater has decided that I'm media-- can I get a "woo hoo" from the crowd?-- and has granted me two media tickets to see the soon-to-open production of ELLA. The tickets are for the 7:30p show on 1/28... and Mama needs a date.

Sure, I could friend-source this date, but I thought, in honor of my #1 post, I would reader-source it.

Here's the thing... this isn't a DATE. I'm not so bad off I've resorted to hocking myself on the intertubes. So, this is gender neutral. We can grab a drink before or after or something, but I'm not going to walk you home or try to hold your hand. Just a good time at the excellent Actors Theater with a fellow lover-of-Louisville.

If you are interested, email me at And I will pick, totally at random, a winner on Wednesday next. I promise you I won't spam you with emails-- I'm too lazy to make a mailing list-- so your email address will only be used to notify you if you've won.

(I'm also inspired by the fact that I had a "blind date" with a Twitter friend tonight, and it went smashingly. Of course, he is-- for very good reasons I knew in advance-- "just not that into me," but a good time was had by all, and we'll do it again. Yay new friends!)

1 comment:

paulpellerito said...

yay me! haha

Glad to hear you're media! I have Analytics over at my place, but I've stopped looking at them, especially since I don't really blog as regularly as well, everyone else.