I love my Meatspace job. It's a calling. It truly is. And I am grateful, in this economy, to have a Meatspace job that pays my bills so I can fart around on the interwebs and keep up my blogging hobby.
That being said, there is so much cool shit to do out there! And I can't do a lot of it because I have be a responsible, professional, adult. And it makes me want to stomp my feet, throw a temper tantrum, and then pout for a while.
How cool is THIS?? The Louisville Seminary is holding a WEEK LONG seminar on Labryinths. Yes, my friends, I said a whole seminar on Labryinths. A week long seminar. On all kinds of Labryinthy goodness.
I'm so twitterpated about this idea that I am contemplating the irony of calling in sick with Swine Flu for that week and going to this seminar about sacred spaces. Check out the schedule below.   ;I want networking time to discuss MY labryinth-making needs. I want to build a masking tape labryinth in fifteen minutes.
You know what the best part of this seminar is?? The whole week of Labryinthian madness costs a mere $150. And that's because we missed the September 26 "early bird" deadline. If we'd been early birds, we would have paid half that. Yeppers. All this for just $75.
Sigh. Another missed opportunity.
Read more at: http://www.lpts.edu/academic_Programs/Labyrinth_2009.asp
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