Thursday, January 22, 2009

Social Media Overload

Yesterday, I attended the fantastic Let them Tweet Cake event at Sweet Surrender (gosh, I wish I liked sweets) sponsored by Michelle at Consuming Louisville. And I listened to the streaming audio of Michelle's appearance on State of Affairs (listen to it here) with two other Louisville bloggers from the excellent Backseat Sandbar and Broken Sidewalk. And I came to the following conclusions:
  1. I am nowhere near the geek that I thought I was, or would like to be!
  2. My social media chops need serious work.
  3. Everyone who's anyone Twitters.
  4. I really need to do a better job of surrounding myself with fantastic, smart women because even us thirty-mumble-somethings need role models.
  5. And my big take-away from the State of Affairs show was that the best blogs are focused, and Loueyville ain't focused. Then again, Mama ain't focused... so there you have it.

I can't say that Loueyville (or Lou) will get more focused in the coming days, but at least that little birdie is now tweeting in the back of my brain.

Speaking of tweeting, Loueyville IS on Twitter. (I checked into my account last night and the most recent tweet was: "Watching the Derby Post Selection. Go Denis of Cork!")


Anonymous said...

In my humble opinion the best blogs fall into one or both of the following categories:

1. Very focused, about something the author is passionate about

2. The author has an abundance and personality that makes me want to read whatever she has to say on whatever topic.

You've got number #2 more than covered so don't about #1 at all.

And also? Let's get together for coffee soon.

Anonymous said...

Good gracious can we delete that first comment and replace it with a typo-free version?

In my humble opinion the best blogs fall into one or both of the following categories:

1. Very focused, about something the author is passionate about

2. The author has an abundance of spirit & personality that makes me want to read whatever she has to say on whatever topic.

You've got number #2 more than covered so don't worry about #1 at all.

And also? Let's get together for coffee soon.