Heyyyy... wait a doggone minute!!!
Lou, ever-aware of her status as unpaid and underappreciated cheerleader for her adopted city, decided to blog about Louisville's new civic relocation campaign: "Save a Life: Share Louisville." And when she pulled up the new website ShareLouisville, what should she find???
Join the Friends of Lou mailing list!
Buy a Friend of Lou t-shirt!
I am totally on board for selling the "Lou-ness" of Loueyville to anyone who will listen, but who's this other Lou person and why do they need friends? This Lou needs friends! There's only one Lou and she's writing this...
I'm deeply disturbed (and feel like I deserve a free, adorable "I [heart] Louisville... and that's not the bourbon talking" t-shirt -- size small-- and a link on the website, at the very least).
Loueyville readers, don't let me down. We all [heart] Louisville and believe in sharing the wealth, but let the Share Louisville folks know that there's only one Lou and she's been loving on the city since May (longer if you count the old blog). Email them at: info@sharelouisville.org
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